Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Meatless week so far....

I must say I am proud of my progress, it's been a week now since I started my 'meatless diet'. Things are going good, simply because of this my skin complexion got better and also I lose 1kg out of this simple act!!! On top of that bad breath also gone cos my body is less acidic!

Below are some suggestion of what you can have as a substitution of 'just meaty stuff' or rather what I had over the weekend. :)

Fish porridge with lots of fish cake and fish ball in it.

Goes really well with a Hainam style Teh Tarik.

All time favourite Lui cha!!
(Jo, how come you shoot my tummy one?)

Now this one is really special, Sushi salad roll.
Consist of mangkuang, cucumber, beetroot and also rolled in seaweed, all organic.

Comes with a special sauce.

One thing also throughout my diet, I involved some organic vege in it.
Why? They are simply more nutritious! Usually we just need to pay a slightly extra more to get those extra nutrition, which I think it's all worth it. Also eating organic veg, you tend to chew more times than usual due to their texture are slightly different from other veg which is good for our facial muscles and also our teeth.

I must say I'm still not consider a vegan or anything, but this kind act brings a few benefits:

  • Better Health (doh!)

  • Better Emotional state at all times, less angry, less agitated (Try meatless a week and notice your temper!! Works for me!!!)

  • Reduce global warming (less meat intake = less market demand = less poultry sacrifices = less land to rare these animals!!)
To meat or not to meat? The choice is yours.
Stay Peace!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep it up bro-- do not stop something that takes so long to start!! =)